Friday, May 21, 2010

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down...

With a University of Tulsa Diploma fresh in my hands, a spring in my step, slight quiver in my lip, and a mountain of stuff to unpack and pack, I am about to set off on my next big adventure. My last blog was Elizabeth Does Europe!, and now I'm about to do it again: Argentina style. I know I have trekked 10 countries within the past year, but keeping me in one place these days seems to be like the problem you can't solve with Maria: catching a cloud and pinning it down. To ease the minds of relatives and friends who think I'm crazy, my answer to what I'm doing in Buenos Aires and why, is "Why Not?"

But really, I do have a plan (sort of).

I will be in Buenos Aires May 31 - August 5 with a Spanish immersion program, Road2Argentina. When looking at my post-graduation options through senior year, going abroad again wasn't really on my radar; rather, it found me. The idea was sparked through an email from TU's study abroad office I happened to skim through. Hidden in the text said "COMMUNICATION MAJORS: STUDY ABROAD IN BUENOS AIRES THIS SUMMER." Lights flashed, my chair flew, and I knew. The more I thought about it, the more I felt I didn't need to think about it. I just knew the right thing to do at this point in my life. God's certainly shown me through college that sometimes the best things are those we didn't plan for, because he has a better plan for us than we could imagine ourselves.

If you ask my friends, I'm not one to take huge leaps into the unknown. I like my guidebooks, my plan, and everything in organized compartments. Taking the leap (and the 13 hour flight) to Buenos Aires is a chance for me to really find myself, through an experience I know will be enriching academically, personally, spiritually, culturally, and more - before the career sets in and I am restricted to a few vacation days a year.

With Road2Argentina, I will be taking Spanish class at the University of Buenos Aires Language School (Mon-Fri 1-4pm), which offers classes for foreigners at all Spanish levels. Obviously, I've already graduated, so I am doing the classes for personal benefit rather than class credit. There are about 50 people in my program, mainly Americans and some Europeans and Canadians. The program is fantastic because in addition to the classes, it provides social and cultural opportunities, such as tango classes, wine tasting classes, bike riding tours, and group dinners. I will be living in a homestay, where I will have my meals. So far, I know my host mother is named Mecky Galarce, and she lives with her son Mariano in the Barrio Norte, a safe and fabulous neighborhood. Lucky me, it is within walking distance to school and has internet (a rarity), so I'll be able to stay in touch with all of you at home.

Here's how you can get in touch with me:
Blog: Post comments here on my blog posts. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Skype: EMO6288
Facebook: (I'm going to try to not get on this too much)
Homestay address:
Ayacucho 1236 2 “6”
Capital Federal Buenos Aires, Argentina
Call: I will have a cell phone when I arrive, and will be sure to post it when I do!


  1. Hey!!! So last time I tried to follow someones blog, I never got please let me know when you post something next so I can see if it is working! Because I will be major sad if I don't get to read your blog!!!

  2. Sounds terrific and the pix are great. You could work for the Travel Channel!

