Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dame Cambio

The peso is quite the predicament.

ATMs give you large bills.
No one gives you change.
So you need exact bills.
Coins are nearly impossible to come by.
Yet you must pay with exact coins to ride the bus.

This guy sure gives me a lot of trouble:

Trying to break 100 at a vendor is a game. Nonchalantly, you hand it over. As if it were poisonous, they hand it back in disgust, saying "I don't have change." How could a supermarket cash register spilling over will bills not have change? (Note: The value of a 100 peso bill is only $25USD).

Then it begins: The Staredown. I reply "Well, that's all the have." They reply, "Well, I don't have change." Both stare, secretly wondering "Shoot! What if they really don't have change?"

Last night I had quite the little pickle due to my 100 peso friend. My cab ride home, I honestly did not have smaller bills. And after a five-minute Staredown, I think the cab driver really didn't have change. I ran into a neighboring bar, scooted in without paying a cover, and bee-lined to the bar to get change. (Yeah right, like someone would actually break a 100?)

But the stars aligned and luck was on my side...

I skipped back to my taxista, forked over the cash, and he grumpily drove away.

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