Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My List

And the journey in the city continues...

So much to update since my last post! I have not traveled since Mendoza, but there is so much to do here. Every moment seems occupied by something eye-popping, jaw-dropping, or mouth-watering. At the end of each day, I make a little bullet-point list of what I did that day, as it is hard to keep track. Looking back on the list, all I can say is WOW I LOVE THIS CITY!

Here is my list from the past week:

Sunday (6/20): Ballet Bust and Bandera
Got all dressed up to go to the ballet at the famous Teatro Colon. Got to the theater to learn that the show had been suspended due to technical issues. Que pena! Instead, Andrew and I went out for a steak dinner at Puerto Madero.
Afterward, we were surprised by a firework show and celebration in Plaza de Mayo for Dia de La Bandera (Flag Day).

Monday (6/21): Palermo Pondering
Day off from class for Dia de La Bandera, so I spent it wandering around Palermo, a hip neighborhood with lots of parks, shic botiques, and great cafes.

Tuesday (6/22): City Tour, World Cup, Dancin'
Went on a free city tour around downtown, and learned a lot about my beloved ciudad.
Watched Argentina beat Greece. Watched the first half on a bigscreen in a park with more people crammed in on the lawn than a U2 concert. Spent the second half in a cafe for a change of scenery - Lots of shouting, jumping, and blue and white.
After an Argentina win, the entire city flocks to the Obelisk for a street dance party and other crazy shenanigans. 

Danced the night away to celebrate at a club downtown that is in an old bank.

Wednesday (6/23): Milonga Musica
Went to a Milonga, which is a traditional Tango dance hall where the locals go dance (opposed to the big professional shows for tourists). The night started with a tango dancing lesson, but I had to sit it out and leave it to the pros after bumping into everyone and scuffing my two left feet the first half of the lesson. Lesson was followed by live music (who knew you could rock out on an accordion and violin?) and dancers sultrily circling the floor.

Thursday (6/24): Mate Magic, Divine Dinner, Chick Flick
Strolled through the park and botanical gardens in the morning, with mate and thermos in hand.
Cooked a wonderful pasta dinner with the girls after class, followed by a much-needed movie to relax after all the week's activities.

Friday (6/25): La Bella y La Bestia
WOWOWOW! One of my favorite things yet. Saw the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast, but in SPANISH. The songs, sets, special effects, dancing, everything was fantastic. I had a smile on my face the entire show. "Be Our Guest" was probably my favorite number.

Saturday (6/26):Chop Chop, Casa Rosada, America Land
Cut my hair
Toured Casa Rosada, where the president works. They open it on the weekends for tours.

Watched America get eliminated out of the World Cup. It was not the best day to be an American abroad. Watched the game at the Alamo, and American bar. It was so strange stepping off the Spanish streets, and beyond a wooden door was America land - Where everyone speaks English, chicken wings and nachos are served, and the TVs show American sports. Diving into our nachos, we said "God Bless America!"

Separate post to come for 6/28: (birthday!!)

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