Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Reach Me

With my (hem) upcoming (hem) day of birth, I have had several ask me about my mailing address. As thoughtful as it is, sending me a package is not the best idea. The post-office where the package would most likely go is in a bad part of town, where I would have to wait in line for hours (literally) to retrieve it. It can wait for me upon my return. Thanks for the thought!

As far as letters, that would work! You can mail it to my program office at the following address:
(Elizabeth O'Neill) C/O Road2Argentina
Anchorena 1676
C1425ELL Capital Federal

If you would like to get a hold of me in more modern forms...
Dial 011-54-9-11-3816-1793 to reach my cell.

Skype me!

Email me!

Facebook me!


Many more updates to come. This week back in the city has been awesome. Been making the most of every day and really seeing the city. I feel like I'm starting to know my way around, and getting a feel for the culture. Its energy is contagious!

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